How to login in and approve documents in your DocSAFE client area?
The details below show how to use our docSAFE system to login in and approve documents in your secure client area. Once you approve a document following the steps below, we will automatically receive a certificate to show that you have approved.
You can also use this system to upload documents to share with us, and we will upload Accounts, Tax Returns and other documents for your approval from time to time. These documents will be stored on your client area for you to access at any time in the future.
To login and approve our engagement letter and any future accounts, tax returns and other documents on the docSAFE system, please follow the steps below. PLEASE NOTE IF LOGGING IN ON A MOBILE YOU WILL NEED TO CLICK ON THE RED BAR TO LOGIN USING THE MOBILE VERSION BEFORE LOGGING IN AS BELOW;

Step 1:
Your login should be your email address, and the initial
password is davidhoward1. You will then be forced to
change your password.
Step 2:
When you login, you will get a screen with a section on the left hand side of the screen with Documents Requiring Approval.

Step 3:
If you click on each of the items, you will be able to download the document. To do so, click the green Download button. You must download the file before you can approve it, but the approval is not on the pdf itself but by clicking the box in Docsafe (see next step).

Step 4:
When you are ready to approve the document, first click on the check box and then on the green Approve button. Now the file is approved. If you choose not to approve it, you can disapprove the document by clicking on Disapprove button.

Step 5:
The system will inform us of whether you have approved or
disapproved the document via email. You can add
comments to that message before it is sent.